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Starting with the Basics

October 1, 2017 will be marked as the largest mass shooting in U.S history, thanks to Stephen Paddock, a 64-year old Las Vegas native who killed 50 people and injured 200 others at a Jason Aldean concert, one of many scheduled to play at the Route 91 Harvest festival (at the Las Vegas strip near the Mandalay Bay hotel). The shooter open fired from a 32nd floor window, and was killed on site by police officials. "Through investigation and response, we determined there was a shooter on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay. Officers responded to that location and engaged the suspect at that location. He is dead [...]" said Sheriff Joseph Lombardo, who was one of the responding officers on scene.

This article, written by Vice, did not do a very good job of informing, or even hooking, its readers. I had to find another source ( to find out exactly where this horrific event even took place. Vice's lead gave us the most basic and what the public would consider to be the most important information, which was how many people were killed, but other than this, I had to read through the entire article to gain other vital pieces of information, like who the killer was, where he was positioned, and whether or not he was killed. Although the shooting took place less than 24 hours ago, I feel like Vice could have done a better job at writing this article. 

The ending of the article was also mediocre, and did not leave an impact or left me thinking. It reporter ended with saying, "World leaders, including British Prime Minister Theresa May and Swedish PM Stefan Löfven, have joined artists who were performing at the Route 91 festival in tweeting prayers and messages of condolence." Although it is nice to know that powerful people are responding and acknowledging the grief of the people of Las Vegas, this does not seem like an important point, and definitely not something that works as a hard-hitting ending.


Dirty Chinese Restaurant, an upcoming game from the Toronto based company, Big-O-Tree Games, is being denounced as racist, while the developers are defending their work as satire.

In Dirty Chinese Restaurant, players take on the role of Wong Fu, the owner and chef of a rundown Chinese restaurant. When not serving customers, players will have to chase after cats and dogs with a cleaver, scavenge for ingredients in the back alleys, and avoid immigration officers. There have been many responses to the announcement of this game, denouncing it as racist, prejudice, and unacceptable. The first and most notable to have spoken out it is Soo Wong, Ontario member of the Provincial Parliament, and first female Chinese-Canadian to be elected to the Ontario Legislature.

 "The game maker titled their game Dirty Chinese Restaurant. Let's call it the way it is. The title of the game already is racist. It's stereotyping, and it's very prejudiced [...] My big concern here is that this will further inflame the discussion about racism, prejudice against the Asian community," Wong said. "We cannot allow this kind of so-called game to be seen as comedy or satire. This is anything but comedy, but satire."

The developers have defended their game however, as seen from a statement posted on their website:

"Our game is mainly satire and comedy influenced by the classic politically incorrect shows we grew up watching, such as: South Park, All in the Family, Sanford & Son, Family Guy, Simpsons, and Chappelle's Show. We also listen to Jay-Z," they said. "Our game in no way is meant to be an accurate representation of Chinese culture."

Many other politicians and people of the public have taken side with Wong, urging companies like Google, Apple, and Android to not support the game, or allow it to be available in online stores.

"I'm hoping the smart folks at Apple and other groups recognize this kind of game is not acceptable to any community, whether it's in Canada or elsewhere across the world," said Wong. "At the end of the day it's not just targeting the Chinese community here in Ontario, [and] in Canada. It's literally Chinese all over the world."

This article, written by the crew at As It Happens on CBC, was well written with an effective lead. The first paragraph catches the reader's curiosity, and discloses all of the information needed to briefly know what the article is about. In only one sentence, we knew what the conflict was and why it was happening. It may be a good idea to read throughout the entire article before moving into a discussion about the facts, but in a case where this is time consuming, the reader receives the basics. 

Endings are as important as beginnings are, and CBC knows how to create an effective one. This ending left me still thinking about the article I had just read, and the issue being addressed. I can easily sympathize with both sides of this story, making it difficult to decide which side I should. The world is a shade of grey, and CBC definitely puts that point across.


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